Saturday, February 2, 2008

Google That!

Back in early November I wrote this post. Ever since that fateful day- my stat counter has been going crazy with hits. You would not believe how many people find my blog by googling her.

Going back through my sitemeter stats, I was noting what other search words led folks to my blog... Here a few that stood out-

Garlic hangover... I'm sorry- I totally know the feeling...

Nose hairs freezing... I hate it when that happens!

Singapore hot girls... Ummm... I'm thinking this guy was disappointed...

Expired jello... Yes- we have established that Jell-O can in fact expire.

How to read expired date on soup can... I'm guessing the soup itself was expired, not the date...

Todo, The Wizard of Oz... Todo? Oh yeah- I think that he was Toto's evil twin!

I've got no strings on me... You and Pinocchio dude, you and Pinocchio...

World's ugliest person... Hey! I'll just try not to take that one personally!

Fluffing... Let's just hope we're talking about pillows here...

World's ugliest kitten... Now that's just going too far!



dlyn said...

The Google searches that lead people to me scare the pants [that is reeeeeeeeally bad] offa me. Not to push you over to my blog but if you look for the too much information posts you will see what I mean. Love your blog and I awill be back to check it out more. blessings...

Ivan Privaci said...

I, at least, know why I get so many hits about "Expired JellO". It's the people looking for "nude college girls" and similar searches who somehow find my blog that confuse me.

That, and "carbonated leprechaun"...

FrazzMom said...

Hmmmm... At least I understand the other phrases, but "carbonated leprechaun"? Who would search for that? And why?!!

Epicanis- I share your confusion!