Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm gellin'

I should be packing our pop-up trailer and getting ready for camping at Big Sur tomorrow... I still have to grocery shop, pack the food, do laundry, pack my clothes (and make sure the kids have packed theirs), and finish loading the trailer with sleeping bags and assorted camping gear. Instead, I am checking e-mail and blogging, because as you probably know- Da' Nile is a beautiful place!

Speaking of camping, I just checked the Big Sur website and discovered that they have WiFi in the park! I can't decide if I love the idea of having internet access while I am camping or if I think it's the worst idea ever- since it seems to totally defeat the whole purpose of it all... I might just have to pack my laptop and test it out- just to see of course...

When I was at Target this morning (buying propane etc) I saw these and bought a pair. If you've seen the commercials, you know exactly what they claim to do. Since my tennis shoes are wearing out, I figured I'd try the insoles out... So far I have to say- this is the best product ever, I'll take my tennies camping and really put them to the test... They are a little pricey for inserts (I paid $14.00,but you can download a coupon here for $2.00 off and check them out for yourself...)

Well anyway, as lovely as it is in the land of denial (Da' Nile if you didn't aleady get my lame joke) I guess I'd better get it in gear and get packin'... Especially if I'm going to pack up my laptop as well- just to test the service of course, it's not like I can't be away from my e-mail for a whole three days or anything...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my feet ache from working 12+ hours. I am going buy one and test it out, thanks for the coupon :)LILY O