Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sonic? It all depends...

I cannot tell you how many posts I have read that have referred to the wonders of the Sonic beverage. I even read this recent article in the Wall Street Journal about compulsive chewers of Sonic's ice.

Unfortunately the Silicon Valley remains Sonic-less. So while I may have been tempted by posts about Sonic goodness, I could only wonder about the cherry lime aide or the vanilla diet coke. Not to mention the superiority of their ice.

Until today.

Today Young Son needed to get some more driving practice in and since we haven't been on the freeway yet (egad- more gray hairs!), this afternoon we drove to Tracy. Where they have, yup- you guessed it, a Sonic- complete with carhops on roller skates even!

I couldn't decide between the aforementioned cherry limeade or vanilla diet coke, but hey- it was happy hour, so I got both! Young Son indulged himself with a chocolate cream pie milkshake... I have to say that neither drink disappointed, but the vanilla diet coke was definitely my favorite. And yes- I crunched all the ice down as well...

So in the end- Young Son got some driving practice in and we got some yummy drinks. The only downside was that for the last 10 miles of the 65 mile drive back home I really needed a bathroom.

Next time I'll have to limit myself to one drink- otherwise I'll have to drive astronaut style...



hockeygirl said...

I'm so glad you finally went! I love Sonic and we have to go there every time we are in Tracy visiting our friends. Next time you will have to try the grilled cheese and tater tots!

John-Michael said...

There is just SO much going on in this world that I am so sadly unaware of. But you just opened a window of awareness to the heretofore unknown "ice crunching" phenomenon for me. I am in your debt. (I still don't 'get it.')

Llama Momma said...

I am so jealous! I want to try some of that ice!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I had just taken a drink of my coffee when I read your astronaut comment and I almost spit it all over my beloved brand new Mac! Glad you guys enjoyed yourselves. I don't like the cream pie milkshakes, though. I don't like the little crust pieces.

FrazzMom said...

Hockeygirl- I was loving the drinks, but yeah- next time we'll do lunch too!

John-Michael & Llama Momma- I have to admit that I enjoyed crunching the ice at the bottom of my cup, but as far as going just to buy ice... I don't get it either! (It did occur to me that those folks are probably getting daily fluids in though :-)

Christy- So glad you didn't spray your MAC!

John-Michael said...

I hope that I did ... But, HEY!! I'm old, I forget!

I have you linked on my blog as "Frazzed ... Not Shaken"

Cause I like to share the 'good stuff'