Saturday, March 22, 2008

He is risen indeed!

I wanted to write a deeply introspective post about Easter, but Ann did it better than I ever could have...

Read it here.

And Happy Easter to you all... He is risen- He is risen indeed!



Anonymous said...

I wrote that several years ago, and the church I was attending used it for the Good Friday as a printed piece with some beautiful artwork by a woman in the congregation. I'm pleased to share it, and doubly pleased that you found it worthy of a link. I hope your Easter Sunday was joyful!

Anonymous said...

(I meant to say "Good Friday service," but I'm sure you figured that out.)

Whittaker Woman said...

I know this is a month late but I just wanted to say thanks for supporting us in Uganda. It was great to know we had friends out there praying and there for us. I just wanted to say thanks. H