Wednesday, September 10, 2008

One steamy WFMW post!

Usually I have a couple of WFMW posts milling around in my head, but this week I came up dry. Seeing as how I had plenty of other things to do today, I decided to just take a week off. Then this afternoon as I was cleaning my kitchen floor I realized that I had never posted about my steam mop for WFMW. I did put up a general post, but not for WFMW... So I present to you a re-post about my steam mop. For all two of you Hi Mom! who are regular readers of FrazzMom, I apologize for the repeat. And to the other 99.9% of you- Welcome!

Oh and don't forget to head over to Shannon's for over 250 other WFMW tricks and tips!

I hate to mop. And as you can see from the random photo above that I took in my kitchen at some total stranger's home- I don't do it nearly often enough. It could be because I hate the messy, dirty water or it could be that I don't like using chemicals on our floors or it could be that due to a herniated disc in my lower back it actually hurts to mop or it could be because I spend too much time on my laptop. No, wait- I'm sure it's not that last reason!


A while back, thinking I might buy a machine to do my floors, I borrowed my friend L's combination sweeper, scrubber machine. And while it did a good job, it was super heavy and bulky to manuver. And you had to put their special brand name cleaner in it. Frankly, it wasn't a whole lot less work- especially since my kitchen isn't really all that big.

Then yesterday I read this review on a Works For Me Wednesday post and it got me to thinking. So I went online and read some reviews. Then I went to Target and bought one of these-

After a quick sweep, I filled the reservoir with tap water, plugged it in, waited 30 seconds for it to heat up, and started steam cleaning my floor. It only took a couple of minutes, and I have to say that I was impressed with the results-

Even better than how easy it was to use is the fact that it only weighs 3 pounds. And you only have to look at the pad to see how it did-

Now I have to admit that at $79.00 it wasn't cheap, but if you figure how much I spend in cleaning supplies (and time!) it will eventually pay itself off. In the meantime, I think I'll just enjoy my clean floors. Hey- with all the time I save, I might even have more time for important things...

Like blogging!



Anonymous said...

I've often wondered how those things worked. As a fellow anti-mopper, I might have to get myself one.

Kirsty said...

LOL No worries I did not think you had stolen my idea ;) It just validates what we are saying. THIS THING ROCKS! Does it not?? Yes it does. Nice to meet you over our steamy floors :)

annieology said...

Hate mopping. That's why I had kids. Turns out they hate mopping too. May need to get one......

Tara said...

I love my steam mop as well!!! I was so shocked the first time I used it.. the microfiber cloth was filthy blah lol

Missy said...

Now you need to get yourself a little matching Shark vaccuum...much cheaper, and that thing rocks too. I use it several times a day.